The Kingdom Archives

But seek “first” His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will  be given to you as well (Mathew 6:33, NIV). It is the domain that was given to mankind to rule over. The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to mankind (Psalm 115:16, NIV). It is the extended place where we as His children were originally assigned and given authority to develop into the likeness of the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is “the” purpose for man, to dominate, manage and lead with changed thinking to that of the King, where there’s only one opinion and that Word is Law. The Kingdom is where God’s will, intent and purpose is taught and cultivated to those who are back in right standing with the King.

You Don’t Have To Put Me Out

A “pastor” wanted me to go along with the wrong and their program because he said that’s the way they do things. I took authority and put myself out. Traditions, religion and Kingdom will not mix. Ever.

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No Domain

We had to leave the presence of God, and we gave away the territory that God had given us. His sons and daughters we were kings without a domain.

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The Will

His Kingdom is His government, His will is the laws, purpose, intent and standards in which He set everything up to function.

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I Want My King Back

If we’re going to get back to that abundant life we’re always talking about and the kingdom life prepared for us, we must get our Lord back!

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Living That Kingdom Life

In scripture I have read for us not to be anxious about anything, not to worry about what we will eat, drink or wear. We have also been commanded that our hearts not be troubled.

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What He Said

We’ve made a big whoopdy doo about WWJD. Let’s add to that by doing and believing what He said.

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