The Kingdom Archives

But seek “first” His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will  be given to you as well (Mathew 6:33, NIV). It is the domain that was given to mankind to rule over. The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to mankind (Psalm 115:16, NIV). It is the extended place where we as His children were originally assigned and given authority to develop into the likeness of the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is “the” purpose for man, to dominate, manage and lead with changed thinking to that of the King, where there’s only one opinion and that Word is Law. The Kingdom is where God’s will, intent and purpose is taught and cultivated to those who are back in right standing with the King.

Hello, Looking For The Kingdom

The enemy no longer cares that you know the bible. He cares if you know and apply the Bible. That’s why our Constitution says, when we hear information about the Kingdom, Satan himself comes to steal it from you.

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