Soldier In God’s Army

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I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, they use to sing a song called, “I’m a soldier”. The leader would say,“I’m a soldier”, and the congregation would say, “In the army of the Lord”. Even when I was younger, I was saying to myself, why would God need any help fighting the enemy? He already defeated him.

Our Constitution states the we are not fighting against flesh and blood. The fight is against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world(government), and spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places (Eph 6). WHAT! You mean I can’t lay hands on people and it wasn’t for prayer, no more? We are still trying to fight something that is spiritual, physically, and it’s because we have not been given the truth about how the fighting goes down in the Kingdom.

When our big brother Jesus was here, He didn’t do no fighting. Yes, I know He got angry and physically whooped them out of the Temple, but that wasn’t a fight. He literally put demands into action. But when they came to arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, and Peter pulled out the sword and went to work, Jesus told him, if it was this type of fight, do you think I couldn’t pray to My Father, who would send twelve legions of angels; what, angels, not soldiers or disciples (Math 26:53)?

When Jesus went before Pilot, He told him, “my Kingdom is not of this world, if it was, My servants would fight” (John 18:36). May I ask, what servants? He definitely could not have been talking about them disciples that was supposed to be with Him, but was now hiding within the multitudes blending in and taking advantage of the darkness.  And don’t even let me get started on Peter quick draw, who cut off the soldier’s ear and said even if the others stumble, I’m going to be there for you. Can someone say, UNTIL? Until! Jesus went on and told him the truth about himself. You are going to deny me three times, so go sit down. Peter told him, even if I have to die with you, I won’t deny you and the others agreed. So, we know He was not talking about them.

A legion is six thousand, we talking about 72 thousand angels serve Him. Y’all better recognize. Pilot better be glad Jesus wasn’t setting up His Kingship here, because he was going to need more than some water.

We have to remember, we are spirit beings housed in this wonderful, powerful dirt body. We are losing the fight, because we are not fighting properly. We are not giving our ministering angels an assignment. Our angels are probably looking at us saying “wow, I could have helped them with that”.  We swinging at what we cannot see. You can’t fight what’s invisible with your visible eyes.

Tell your angels, “go before me and make the crooked plains straight. Watch over everything God has entrusted me to manage. Fight for me.” And see what happens.

You can go ahead and be a soldier in the army of the Lord if you want to, He’ll let you. Because He will not go against our will. But, do not get mad when you’re getting stomped all over the place, and you could have called to your Father and let Him send the help you actually need. Fight spirit with spirit! 

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