The Kingdom of God (KOG), is a Country/Government set up and ran just like our government as we know it. There are laws and guidelines that must be followed for the protection of all who dwell there. One of the differences in the two is the way leaders are established and how the standards of living are decided.
In our country/government; earth, that we’re in (physically), we have the right to vote in who we want as president, and our political party. We also vote on the laws we want to live by. In the Kingdom of God, the King is not voted in, He is a self-made King. The standard of living is set by Him and Him alone, the citizens have no say in the matter.
The KOG is also the citizen’s/representatives’ headquarters, where we receive instructions by way of the Holy Spirit from our King as to how we are to respond, react, answer situations and circumstances we encounter on a daily basis. It is our image that we are to cultivate earth to be like. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven — that. In whatever way heaven is being governed, it was to be the same in the earth ran by His sons whom He gave rulership. The only way for this to be done was through the Holy Spirit who would lead us in all truth and give us the very words of the King. He, our Governor, would teach us the very mind, intent, purpose and will of Creator King.
After we repent (change our way of thinking) we now must be transformed from living by this world’s standards. Everything learned from birth has to unlearned. We keep the Word of God, but have to learn the correct way of applying it from the Kingdom’s point of view. We must learn how to function being in the world, but not of the world. This is the analogy God gave me: While a baby is in the mother’s womb, it is surrounded in darkness, it eats only what’s provided by the mother. The muffled words and sounds it hears are from the outside world, with little to no understanding. And for nine months give or take, this is the only life the baby knows. Then one day, the baby leaves the only place it has known as home and enters (born) into a new place of light. Now there are images never seen before, voices clearly heard, but no understanding and it is being fed a different kind of food made just for him/her in a different way. The baby now has to transform from darkness into light; this new way of living.
Now here is what we must keep in mind, that although we are born into the light in this world, we are born into sin and therefore trained up in the ways of this world’s system thinking and practices. We learn the traditions of man in our churches, the way of having a right to vote on the things our flesh wants.
When we become born again, we are coming out of the world’s system (darkness) way of doing things and thinking, into the KOG (light) system, way of thinking and doing things. In a sense we have to unlearn everything we have been taught and renew our minds to the original purpose and way of our King, God and Creator.
He said unless we come to him like a child, we would not be able to enter the KOG. So, once we’re born into light, just as the infant knows nothing, we now have to learn the ways of this new world we are part of. Which is why Jesus said seek the KOG first, how it works, functions, fully understand it, so we can properly live it, mimic and teach it to others. There will be NO mixing the two systems — religion or Kingdom.