Now there’s the government we’re in–the one we’re supposed to be preparing. Then there is the one we’re of–the one we’re in is supposed to look like. I hope that wasn’t confusing.
In the domain of earth, we pretty much can have it our way, like Burger King. Because we get to vote on who we want for president and what laws we wanted put in place. The Government that we’re of, there is no such thing. What the Creator King said in our Constitution? That’s it, no input needed. The King’s got it!
There is reasoning behind this: two governments, two ways of thinking. Jesus’ message was, “change your way of thinking because the Kingdom of God is here–the original government.” Let me see if I can make it clearer. One day the alarms were going off saying a tornado was near our town and touching down in surrounding cities around us. I was sitting there quietly watching the news. When I heard the first alarm, I prayed and said, “No deadly thing shall come nigh our dwelling” and continued what I was doing. My husband, lovingly said, we need to find somewhere to hide and protect ourselves. I continued what I was doing. He began to get anxious and repeat, we need to figure out what we need to do to protect ourselves! (But this time he was a lot louder and more serious.) Me being me, said, “Where we going? What we gone do? Where would you like to hide? They say it’s moving in that direction, but what if it switch in a different direction?” He looked at me without saying anything. I continued, “We think differently. You hear what they’re saying and think what should we do? I hear what they say and think, what does the government I’m of have to say about the matter? I mean, once I prayed “no deadly thing”, I trusted that my headquarters would protect us.
Now don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not testing God. I am putting His word into action. We either believe or we don’t. One mindset is: take shelter. The other: I am protected by ministering angels, who have been given an assignment. I hope that made what I’m saying somewhat clearer.
In the earth we have traditions and our churches are steeped in them and religion. We go to church as members and “servants of the Lord” and proceed through our programs of fulfilling felt needs. We think our many words in prayer and loud singing and crying moves God. It’s like we have to do all of this for Him to do something for us. We are satisfied with our sickness and conditions, sometimes saying it’s the will of God. For the life of me, I don’t know where that thought would ever come from.
We think when we get to heaven we won’t be sick anymore. In our Kingdom, God wants sons who serve, and a relationship. Sons who fully understand their rights as being citizens–one of them being healing–that we can claim and have now if we only believe.
Hearts being troubled, anxiousness, cares, and heavy weights are what’s in full force in the earth territory. If there has truly been a change in governments and thinking and we’re applying kingdom living, then we won’t have to give any thought to what we will wear or eat for our Father knows what we have need of. He would supply all of our needs according to His riches. In one system the people work for the government. In the other, the government works for the people. You choose!